For solo instrument:
"Réminiscences" for viola (2023) - 3'
Premiered in Jan. 2024 by Karine Lethiec in Paris, Musée de l'Homme, France.
Editions Artchipel.
"Vers les étoiles" for piano (2021) - 9'30
Premiered in July 2021 by François Dumont in Montpellier, Festival de RadioFrance Occitanie, France.
"Petite suite" for piano (2018) - 7'
Premiered in Oct. 2018 by Nathalie Negro in Berlin, Germany.
"Un parapluie et un manteau de paille", for piano (2014) - 1'30
Premiered in Feb. 2015 by Fabio Schinazi, in Evere, Belgium.
"Maye", for vibraphone and gong (2014) - 8'30
Premiered in Apr. 2014 by Laurent Mariusse, Turbulences Sonores Festival in Montpellier. Editions BabelScores.
"Voyelles", version for alt-saxophone or alt-saxophone and narrator (2014) - 5'30
On a poem by Arthur Rimbaud.
Premiered in Sept. 2015 by Serge Bertocchi, Fesitval Son MiRé, Fabrezan, France. Editions Alphonse Leduc / Notissimo.
"Variations sur quatre haikus" for cello (2009) - 8'
Premiered in Jan. 2010 by Florian Lauridon, Itineraire concerts, Paris, France. Editions Delatour.
"Tarentella" for piano (2003) - 2 versions: 8' or 4'30
Premiered in Oct. 2003 by Gabriella Smart, Melbourne International Arts Festival, Australia. Editions BabelScores.
"Trois préludes" for piano (1999) - 6'20
Premiered in Oct. 2000 by Stephen Whittington in Adelaide, Australia.
"Voyelles" for flute (1993) - 2 versions: 5'30 or 4'20
On a poem by Arthur Rimbaud.
Premiered in Oct. 1993 by Chiharu Tachibana in Paris, France. Editions Alphonse Leduc / Notissimo.