Le Bécut a work for children, didgeridoo and unspecified wind instrument, was commissioned by two primary schools in the Hautes Pyrénées (south of France): Lapacca Primary School in Lourdes, and Parc-Suzanne Primary School in Argelès-Gazost.
In accordance with the wishes of the children, who wanted a work with mountain and sea sounds, and who asked for singing in occitan, the old language of their area, the composer used a Pyrenean tale, "le Bécut", and some troubadours textes, such as Raimbaud de Vaqueiras' "Calenda maia" and Peire Vidal's "Pois tornatz sui in Proensa".
With both notated parts and more free ones, the piece gave the children -most of whom did not know classical music- the opportunity to experience contemporary music, to learn basic musical notation and to discover sounds with existing intruments or with instruments they created themselves for this occasion.

© Guy Bompais
The project was developed in one school year (1998 - 1999) and was made possible thanks to the music curriculum specialists of the Hautes Pyrénées (especially Mrs Jocelyne Pujol), and their work with both the IUFM (teachers' college) and primary school teachers.
The work was performed and recorded by the children of Lapacca Primary School (Mrs Vergeron's classes), Parc Suzanne (Mrs Dorati's and Castéra's classes), Phillip Peris (didgeridoo) and Mie Ogura (flute).
Audio sample: the forest, middle of the work. 1'12"