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Portrait de Sophie Lacaze - Les Inrocks

"Drawing her inspiration from different cultures, listening intimately to the world and nature, Sophie Lacaze has been deploying since the early 1990s a fiercely personal music, beyond any dogma, tending towards purity."

Jérôme Provençal, "Au coeur de la Création", les Inrocks. April 2023
Read the press article (in French)

Vocation: Composer - An Interview with Sophie Lacaze - Stretta Music

An interview with Sophie Lacaze by Julie Mooser, Stretta Music, January 31, 2023

In French
In English
In German
In Italian
In Spanish

BOOK "SOPHIE - LACAZE - PORTRAIT OF A COMPOSER" (by Geneviève Mathon - French version May 2018, English version May 2021)

"... The sense of fertile dialogue, of an exchange of ideas, ..., is skillfully managed. There is much detail, but Lacaze emerges as someone who cares about the environment, is deeply enriched by the world we live in, holds a profound spirituality, and who is also very aware of the nature of her legacy and the ongoing function of music in peoples' lives...
This is a meeting of friends involved in the sheer passion of intellectual debate around music... And it is that palpable connection (it shines through between the spaces, between the lines) that elevates this book above the norm...
This is a keenly observed window into the endlessly fertile mind of a brilliant composer whose music is fully deserving of greater currency. Interested readers should not hesitate."

Colin Clarke, Fanfare Magazine, December 2021
(read the review)

"dialogue obviously makes possible to identify the multiple facets of an interlocutor... prolific personality... creativity and commitment...
an opening on the music of our time, on the attraction for the sound world..."

Edith Weber, L'Education Musicale, December 2018
(read the review - in French)

"Musicologist Geneviève Mathon publishes a book of interviews with composer Sophie Lacaze. An enlightening and accessible introduction...
The form of the interview gives the book a simplicity and a freedom of tone, while remaining researched and constructed...
Something to make you want to (re) immerse yourself in the unique music of Sophie Lacaze."

Agnès Simon, ResMusica, 18 Août 2018
(read the review - in French)

CD "LES FEMMES DANSENT" (Axia Marinescu, Klarthe, France - Novembre 2021)

« …the most modern pieces are perhaps also the most interesting and personal: the three by Germaine Tailleferre, …, and the Tarantella by Sophie Lacaze, acrobatic, solidly constructed and well resonant. »

Jacques Bonnaure,Classica, June 2022
(read the review - in French)

«.. and Sophie Lacaze (1963), featured in the program with a truly original, wild Tarantella.»

Ferruccio Nuzzo, Ideas, Musica, February 1, 2022
(read the review - in Italian)

"... Tarantella by Sophie Lacaze. Virtuoso, fiery, immutable, this sometimes terrifying piece is an opportunity for the pianist to reveal her great virtuosity, necessary to interpret this crazy dance.."

Martin Barré, ComposHer, January 30, 2022
Read the review - in French

« Right in the middle of all these dance pieces slips a well-felt Tarantella by our contemporary Sophie Lacaze. Where the Lisztian heritage dialogues with the colors, sounds and features of today, in a Dionysian impetus.»

Suzanne Canessa, Journal Zibeline, November 2021
(read the review - in French)

CD "ACCENTS" (Ensemble K, Aparté, France - January 2021)

« ... Sophie Lacaze brings a real plus with her current vision of music while keeping real roots in traditional dances. It is really a personal asset since the work in question Histoire sans paroles is sublime, original while remaining discreet and accessible. »

Pierre-Louis Michel, Disque Actu, 15 July 2021
(read the review - in French)

Histoire sans paroles « ... This efficient and successful piece leaves many questions open. And initiates a brilliant entry into the record world.. »

Rémy Louis, Diapason, March 2021
(read the review - in French)

Histoire sans paroles « ... The final work on the disc is contemporary French but takes the indigenous Australian peoples as its inspiration. Written for piano trio, it is full of vividly imagined textures for this tricky combination and some fascinating and evocative writing. Definitely a work to explore. »

Robert Hugill, Planet Hugill, a world of classical music, 26 Januray 2021
(read the review)

« ... magnificient trio, Histoire sans paroles, by Sophie Lacaze, which draws the listener into a spider's web from which he would never want to leave. »

Pierre Gervasoni, Le Monde, 15 January 2021
(read the review - in French)

CD "SOUFFLES" (released in Dec.2012, Editions de l'Astronome, France)

Quatre haikus : '... a very fine sensitivity is shown in these four short pieces... Sophie Lacaze excels, who likes working with small shapes...'

Het Lam Gods III :
'... Sacred emanations seem to move along the maze of sounds and words, these "breathes" that go through Sophie Lacaze's music, uncluttered music playing with words and silence.'

Michèle Tosi, ResMusica, Jan. 2013
(read the review - in French)

'« Souffles », it is an intense CD. A different CD. A CD that, like a breath of air, blows your mind. A CD that lets you without voice....

It is beautiful, vibrant, magic...'

Marie Lesobre, Evemagazine, Jan. 2013
(read the review - in French)

'... a novelty: the audio CD "Souffles" ("breathes"), newly published by the Editions de l'Astronome... Breathtaking.''

ClairIsabelle Vauconsant, la gazette de Nîmes, Jan. 2013
(read the review - in French)

SOPHIE LACAZE'S MUSIC FOR FLUTE - Traversière Magazine n°104

'... In about 15 years, flute repertory has considerably grown thanks to her by solos, duos, music chamber works, pieces for flute orchestra. Flute is the favorite means of expression of this exceptionally gifted artist...'

Pierre-Yves Artaud,Traversières Magazine (n°104), Oct. 2012
(read the article - in French)

'... A music of wide spaces, of abolished time...
We dived in its stretched sounds, deep meditation.
There was the magic Lacaze...'

Christel Rayneau, Traversières Magazine (n°104), Oct. 2012
(read the review - in French)


' The symbiosis is astonishing between the instrument and the three voices when the quartet performs the remarkable score by Sophie Lacaze, I see the angel pass. The finesse and elegance of writing...'

M. B. Flous, ResMusica, November 2019
(read the review - in French)

'Then "Duo" by Sophie Lacaze, very beautiful voice by Kiyoko Okada and magnificent work of memorized sounds which resonate, duplicate, overlap ... For "Voices of Australia", I indulge in the pleasure of the moment: sunbathing, the open sky, the trees and the hot stone underfoot. An infinite sweetness to let us listen to.
For "Archélogos I" and "Archèlogos II", surprising sounds because disembodied of the fluidity that we are used to hearing.'

Pascale Routier, journal du Son MiRé, August 2007

'Contemporary music could not lose in this concert with multiple resonances; pleasure of discovery came from the young composer Sophie Lacaze, whose Voices of Australia for solo flute and recorded voices, mix rhythms and weird, mysterious sounds of birds songs with human voices… this symbiosis of living voices, made as an electronic mastering, had the savour of countless life calls'.

Hilda Van Hell, Luxembourg press, August 2006

'This musical dream is a subtle approach of the beginning of the world.' (about Dreaming).

le Progrès, August 2004

'A work by Sophie Lacaze, "Broken Words",especially written for the Helios ensemble: a magic moment.'

la Montagne, August 2002

'Mysterious quartet "Broken Words" by Sophie Lacaze, with inventive rhythms and new sounds, inspired by the silence and the violences of Australian landscapes. Subtle.'

C. Géliot, September 2001

'Another intriguing trio was "Comme une rue pavee" for violin, clarinet and piano by French composer Sophie Lacaze, an atmospheric piece in which the musical interest is nicely spread between the three instruments.'

W.L. Hoffmann, The Canberra Times,
December 1, 1999

' "La Vita è Bella ?" revealed music of fluent charm and the kind of originality that can sometimes accompany modesty.'

R. Chapman-Smith, The Advertiser, October 12, 1999

'Great performance of trois melodies for voice and string trio by Lacaze. The audience was amazed.'

L. Camensuli, la Dépêche du Midi, February 1993


'L'Espace et la Flute

Flute is certainly the favourite instrument of the composer, who widenned its repertoire with at least 10 works. Her new work for the Grand Prix, L'Espace et la Flute, is a theme and variations composed on the surrealist poem by Jean Tardieu (1903 - 1995) written from Picasso's drawings, that was said by the excellent actor Alain Carre. A music with play character that mixes figurative aspects and beautiful sound colours.'

E. Fottorino, La Lettre du Musicien, Apr. 2010
CD "PLURIELLES" (ensemble Helios, published in 2004, Editions Maguelone, France)

'The youngest composer of this CD, Sophie Lacaze, born in 1963, shows a sure talent with Broken Words .'

F. Mallet, Classica-Répertoire,
June 2004

'Voyelles, by Sophie Lacaze, is a clever work'

J. Amblard, le Monde de la Musique, June 2004