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New album:

RElease of the new CD by Anne WARTHMANN : "En songe" chez KLARTHE.

With "L'art est le plus beau des mensonges" by Sophie LACAZE.


Next world premiere:

Histoire sans paroles
a new version for violin, cello and accordion - August 11, 2024, 8pm, Classic au Jazz festival, le Poët Laval, France. By Saskia Lethiec (violin), David Louwerse (cello) and Pascal Contet (accordion). Transcription: Pascal Contet.


Le Petit Prince, for flute, string trio and ondes Martenot - August 5, 2024, 6.30pm, Festival des Lumières, Montmorillon, France. By Alain Carré and Stéphanie Leclef (narrators), Cécile Lartigau (ondes Martenot) and the ensemble Helios.

Vers les étoiles, for piano and A la surface de l'eau for voice and piano - August 7, 2024, 9pm, Festival 1000 Sources, Tauves, France.
By Helen Kearns (soprano) and François Dumont (piano).

Vers les étoiles, for piano and A la surface de l'eau for voice and piano - August 8, 2024, 9pm, Festival 1000 Sources, Neuvic, France. By Helen Kearns (soprano) and François Dumont (piano).

Histoire sans paroles, in its version for violin, cello and accordion - August 11, 2024, 8pm, Classic au Jazz festival, le Poët Laval, France.
By Saskia Lethiec (violin), David Louwerse (cello) and Pascal Contet (accordion). Transcription: Pascal Contet.

Nomination :

Sophie LACAZE has been distinguished among the 100 Women of Culture of the year (France)."Femmes de Culture" aims to highlight the inspiring and creative voices of Francophone women of culture.

New reviews and interviews:

La stoffa inesauribile di cui sono fatti i sogni - Interview by Davide Fersini for Azione, Settimanale di informazione e cultura, July 2024 (in Italian).

A Monaco, le chant de la terre en guise de printemps - Article by Pierre Barbancey for l'Humanité, March 2024 (in French).

Sophie Lacaze - Article by Tout l'opéra ou presque (All about opera - or almost), February 2024 (in French).

Anthologie de la compositrice Sophie Lacaze
- Article by Thierry Vagne in Musique classique & Co, December 2023 (in French).

Il pleut des voix de femmes, de Sophie Lacaze, avec l'ensemble Mora Vocis - Article by Michèle Tosi in ResMusica, December 2023 (in French).

Au coeur de la création, supplément des InRocks: Portrait de Sophie Lacaze - Article page 15, by Jérôme Provençal, April 2023 (in French).

Vocation: composer - an interview with Sophie Lacaze - Interview by Julie Mooser for Stretta Music, January 31, 2023.

Berufung: Komponistin - Ein Interview mit Sophie Lacaze - Interview von Julie Mooser für Stretta Music 31. Januar 2023.

Vocation : compositrice - Entretien avec Sophie Lacaze - Entretien par Julie Mooser pour Stretta Music, 31 Janvier 2023.

Vocación: compositora - Entrevista con Sophie Lacaze - Entrevista por Julie Mooser para Stretta Music, 31 de enero de 2023.

Vocazione: compositrice - Intervista con Sophie Lacaze - Intervista di Julie Mooser per Stretta Music,31 gennaio 2023.