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Theatre and film:

August 5, 2024, Festival Les Lumières, Montmorillon, France:
"Le Petit Prince", a musical tale on a text by Antoine de Saint Exupéry.
Booklet: Alain Carré
Artistic direction: Christel Rayneau
Actors: Alain Carré et Stéphanie Leclef
Performed by the Ensemble Hélios (Christel Rayneau, flute; Nathanaelle Marie, violon; Isabelle Lequien, viola, Christophe Beau, cello) and Cécile Lartigau (ondes Martenot)
Video: Bernard Paccot

7 Novembre 2023, Festival Musical Chiloé, Ancud, Chile:
"Le Petit Prince", a musical tale on a text by Antoine de Saint Exupéry.
Booklet: Alain Carré
Artistic direction: Alejandro Lavanderos
Actor: Ricardo Tamayo
Performed by Alejandro Lavanderos (flute), Rodrigo Caracmo (violin),Marcel Rheinberf (viola), Hanna Löwe (cello), Edgar Girtain (ondes Martenot)
Video: Bernard Paccot

November 18, 2022, festival Présences Compositrices, La Vallette du Var, France:

"Le Petit Prince", a musical tale on a text by Antoine de Saint Exupéry.
Booklet: Alain Carré
Artistic direction: Jean-Baptiste Apéré
Actor: Céline Hoinard
Performed by the ensemble PTYX (Caroline Ehret, ondes Martenot; Pauline Vanagt, flute; Pierre Malle, violin; Anthony Chéneau, viola; Benjamin Garnier, cello)
Video: Bernard Paccot

November 17, 2022, Festival Musical Chiloé, Chile:

"Le Petit Prince", a musical tale on a text by Antoine de Saint Exupéry.
Booklet: Alain Carré
Artistic direction: Alejandro Lavanderos
Actor: Ricardo Tamayo
Performed by Alejandro Lavanderos (flute), Rodrigo Caracmo (violin),Marcel Rheinberf (viola), Hanna Löwe (cello), Edgar Girtain (ondes Martenot)
Video: Bernard Paccot

April 28, 2022, Festival Musical Chiloé, Chile:

"Le Petit Prince", a musical tale on a text by Antoine de Saint Exupéry.
Booklet: Alain Carré
Artistic direction: Alejandro Lavanderos
Actor: Ricardo Tamayo
Performed by Alejandro Lavanderos (flute), Rodrigo Caracmo (violin),Marcel Rheinberf (viola), Hanna Löwe (cello), Edgar Girtain (ondes Martenot)
Video: Bernard Paccot

April 21, 2022, Festival Musical Chiloé, Chile:

"Le Petit Prince", a musical tale on a text by Antoine de Saint Exupéry.
Booklet: Alain Carré
Artistic direction: Alejandro Lavanderos
Actor: Ricardo Tamayo
Performed by Alejandro Lavanderos (flute), Rodrigo Caracmo (violin),Marcel Rheinberf (viola), Hanna Löwe (cello), Edgar Girtain (ondes Martenot)
Video: Bernard Paccot

December 12, 2020, Tourcoing, France:
"Le Petit Prince", a musical tale on a text by Antoine de Saint Exupéry.

By teachers of Tourcoing Conservatory of Music and Nadia Ratsimandresy (Martenot waves).

February 2, 2020, Le Roc-Saint-André, France:

"Le Petit Prince", a musical tale on a text by Antoine de Saint Exupéry.
Production: Gaetan Emeraud.
Libretto: Antoine de Saint Exupéry.
Music performed by Isabelle Gracia (flute), Anne Andlauer (violin), Béatrice Embree (viola), Virginie Bedrine (cello) and Cécile Lartigau (Martenot waves).

November 7, 2019, Musiques démesurées Festival, Clermont-Ferrand, France:

"Le Petit Prince", a musical tale on a text by Antoine de Saint Exupéry.
Libretto: Antoine de Saint-Exupéry / Alain Carré
Staging: Alain Carré
Music performed by Nadia Ratsimandresy (Martenot waves), André Maisonneuve (flute), Hiroe Namba (violin), Claire Saillard (viola), Alexandre Peronny (cello).

November 6, 2019, Musiques démesurées Festival, Clermont-Ferrand, France:

"Le Petit Prince",a musical tale on a text by Antoine de Saint Exupéry.
Libretto: Alain Carré
Staging: Alain Carré
Music performed by Nadia Ratsimandresy (Martenot waves), André Maisonneuve (flute), Hiroe Namba (violin), Claire Saillard (viola), Alexandre Peronny (cello).

October 12, 2019, Resonnance Festival, Arzon, France:

"Le Petit Prince", a musical tale on a text by Antoine de Saint Exupéry.
Production: Gaetan Emeraud.
Libretto: Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.
Music performed by Isabelle Gracia (flute), Anne Andlauer (violin), Béatrice Embree (viola), Virginie Bedrine (cello) and Cécile Lartigau (Martenot waves).

March 22, 2019, Vannes, France:

"Le Petit Prince", a musical tale on a text by Antoine de Saint Exupéry.
Production: Gaetan Emeraud.
Libretto: Antoine de Saint Exupéry
Music performed by Isabelle Gracia (flute), Anne Andlauer (violin), Béatrice Embree (viola), Virginie Bedrine (cello) and Cécile Lartigau (Martenot waves).

March 21, 2019, Vannes, France:

"Le Petit Prince", musical tale on a text by Antoine de Saint Exupéry.
Production: Gaetan Emeraud.
Libretto: Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.
Music performed by Isabelle Gracia (flute), Anne Andlauer (violin), Béatrice Embree (viola), Virginie Bedrine (cello) and Cécile Lartigau (Martenot waves).