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Premiere of "Ukiyo-e" for Martenot waves and flute orchestra. February 25, 2013, 7.30 pm, Mairie IIIe arrondisssement, Paris, France. By Nadia Ratsimandresy (Martenot waves) and the Orchestre de Flutes Francais, conductor Joel Soichez.

A new CD, "Souffles", with 5 works by Sophie Lacaze, is published by the Editions de l'Astronome (France). With "l'espace et la flute", "Voyelles", "En Quete", "Quatre haikus" and "Het Lam Gods III", recorded by Alain Carre, Baudoin Giaux, Jean-Yves Fourmeau, Amaya Dominguez, Martin Surot, Hinemoa quartet and students of the Royal Conservatorium in Brussels.

Broadcast of "Après avoir contemplé la lune..." for orchestra, on France Musique, from November 26 to December 3 in "Alla Breve" by Anne Montaron. The work was recorded by the Orchestre Philarmonique de RadioFrance, conductor Pierre-André Valade.

An article about "music for flute by Sophie Lacaze", Traversieres Magazine n.104.

CD "Encounters / Rencontre" to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Alliance Francaise d'Adelaide (Australie), featuring the music of Debussy, Chabrier, Faure, Hahn, Lacaze. With two "preludes" for piano by Sophie Lacaze, performed by Stephen Whittington. - CD launch concert in Adelaide , 24th August.

Beaumarchais' association awarded Sophie Lacaze a grant to compose a new opera on a libretto by Alain Carre.

Premiere of "Estampes" for flute quartet in Sion, Switzerland - July 6, by Tetraflutes ensemble.

"Cinq Voyelles pour quatre flutes" at the European Parliament in Brussels, Belgium - June 19, by Image quartet, presentation of WIMUST project.